Saturday, 22 October 2011

Whiteheads Bottom - The Build Up

This Sunday me and Ryan will be hitting Whiteheads in Ainsworth for a day session. The lodge holds a nice amount of carp the heaviest being a hight 20.

Ryan used to fish both Whiteheads Top and Bottom many years ago and is looking forward to visiting again and seeing if he can catch a few familiar faces.

We are going to be trying out alot of new baits over the next few months with alot of carp trips booked in.

Whiteheads Bottom is on Gilburn Road which is just off Lowercroft Road in Ainsworth. It is cheap to fish and you pay on the bank.

Wish us luck and whatever the result we will post lots of pictures.


Monday, 17 October 2011

My Drought Continues :)

Well this morning I was up bright and early ready to go and have a days fishing.

I was supposed to be going straight to the Middlebrook but thought I would call in on Lock Lane lodge for a couple of hours.

As I only had the tip rod with me the tactics where to fish the cage feeder with hair rigged corn to a size 12 hook (the largest you are allowed to use on this water.)

I also made up a mixture of goodies to fill the feeder.

A few hours passed and not even a knock so a change of tactics was needed so I switched to in an inline maggot feeder with a short braid hook length. These Drennan maggot feeders are brilliant and have worked wonders on this water in the past.

Again no bites. Then the ground started to shake and three Army helicopters flew over then circled round and flew back across. Was very random. I think it was Duane and Ryan on their way doing a permit check on RIvvy :)

It was 1pm so I packed up and headed for the Middlebrook. Again there where fish about but none of them where in the mood for playing out. I had a cracking day just a bad one for results.

I packed up and went home having a sulk. The dry patch continues with my landing net smelling of roses rather than fish :( haha


Ryan Gets A New PB Pike :)

Well done to Ryan on his new PB of 20lb 8oz with this lovely pike.

He didn't stop grinning the whole trip.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Well It's Now Over 120 Hours

Hello everybody,

Sorry there has not been a post for a while but I have been too busy sat on Upper Rivington Ressy staring at my alarms praying they will start screaming.

Unfortunatly this hasn't happened and my total time now fishless on there is over 120 hours haha!

I am more than happy to allow this to double or even treble in my quest for a Rivvy carp.

Got plenty of pictures from recent trips to add aswell.

Take it easy,
