Monday, 12 September 2011

Upper Rivington 9th - 11th September 2011

Well what a fantantic weekend just gone. Me, Ryan and Duane arrived on the bank around 7.30pm and started to get set up. Bivvies up and rods out and the BBQ lit. Time had flown by and it was 12.30am and we where just eating tea.

The night was quiet with only a few knocks on my right hand rod. We where joined in the morning by Pete who's plan was to big bream it until Sunday.

Was a brilliant weekend but slow on the fish side with only Duane catching a Pike as I was packing up on the Sunday, well done mate. No carp for me this visit but one will grace the bank very soon. I am confident in the tactics I am using but I am also open to advice from other people aswell.

Wish me luck in my quest for a Rivvy Carp.


Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Upper Rivington - My Autumn/Winter Carp Campaign

This Friday sees the start of my autumn/winter carp campaign.

I have decided to treat myself to a super heavy and bulletproof rod pod to deal with the rough terrain of the banks. I have gone for the Daiwa Infinity 4 Rod Pod (Only using it as a 3 though.) These things cost a fortune but I managed to pick mine up having only been used a few times for £45.

The Carp are few and far between on Upper Rivington so I am not building my hopes up on getting one to the bank but I will certainly try my best.

Me, Ryan, Duane and Pete are hitting the place for a 48 hour session. Pete is big breaming it. Duane is Pike Pike Pike Pike Mad. Ryan will also be after the dinosaurs (ha my name for pike) but will be sticking his rods out for carp at night.

Look forward to hopefully posting a good few pictures and a nice report.

Wish us luck :)


P.S A few pictures from our tip fishing session weekend just gone.

Me being kitchen bitch.

A lovely perch Ryan pulled out.