Saturday, 22 October 2011

Whiteheads Bottom - The Build Up

This Sunday me and Ryan will be hitting Whiteheads in Ainsworth for a day session. The lodge holds a nice amount of carp the heaviest being a hight 20.

Ryan used to fish both Whiteheads Top and Bottom many years ago and is looking forward to visiting again and seeing if he can catch a few familiar faces.

We are going to be trying out alot of new baits over the next few months with alot of carp trips booked in.

Whiteheads Bottom is on Gilburn Road which is just off Lowercroft Road in Ainsworth. It is cheap to fish and you pay on the bank.

Wish us luck and whatever the result we will post lots of pictures.


Monday, 17 October 2011

My Drought Continues :)

Well this morning I was up bright and early ready to go and have a days fishing.

I was supposed to be going straight to the Middlebrook but thought I would call in on Lock Lane lodge for a couple of hours.

As I only had the tip rod with me the tactics where to fish the cage feeder with hair rigged corn to a size 12 hook (the largest you are allowed to use on this water.)

I also made up a mixture of goodies to fill the feeder.

A few hours passed and not even a knock so a change of tactics was needed so I switched to in an inline maggot feeder with a short braid hook length. These Drennan maggot feeders are brilliant and have worked wonders on this water in the past.

Again no bites. Then the ground started to shake and three Army helicopters flew over then circled round and flew back across. Was very random. I think it was Duane and Ryan on their way doing a permit check on RIvvy :)

It was 1pm so I packed up and headed for the Middlebrook. Again there where fish about but none of them where in the mood for playing out. I had a cracking day just a bad one for results.

I packed up and went home having a sulk. The dry patch continues with my landing net smelling of roses rather than fish :( haha


Ryan Gets A New PB Pike :)

Well done to Ryan on his new PB of 20lb 8oz with this lovely pike.

He didn't stop grinning the whole trip.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Well It's Now Over 120 Hours

Hello everybody,

Sorry there has not been a post for a while but I have been too busy sat on Upper Rivington Ressy staring at my alarms praying they will start screaming.

Unfortunatly this hasn't happened and my total time now fishless on there is over 120 hours haha!

I am more than happy to allow this to double or even treble in my quest for a Rivvy carp.

Got plenty of pictures from recent trips to add aswell.

Take it easy,


Monday, 12 September 2011

Upper Rivington 9th - 11th September 2011

Well what a fantantic weekend just gone. Me, Ryan and Duane arrived on the bank around 7.30pm and started to get set up. Bivvies up and rods out and the BBQ lit. Time had flown by and it was 12.30am and we where just eating tea.

The night was quiet with only a few knocks on my right hand rod. We where joined in the morning by Pete who's plan was to big bream it until Sunday.

Was a brilliant weekend but slow on the fish side with only Duane catching a Pike as I was packing up on the Sunday, well done mate. No carp for me this visit but one will grace the bank very soon. I am confident in the tactics I am using but I am also open to advice from other people aswell.

Wish me luck in my quest for a Rivvy Carp.


Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Upper Rivington - My Autumn/Winter Carp Campaign

This Friday sees the start of my autumn/winter carp campaign.

I have decided to treat myself to a super heavy and bulletproof rod pod to deal with the rough terrain of the banks. I have gone for the Daiwa Infinity 4 Rod Pod (Only using it as a 3 though.) These things cost a fortune but I managed to pick mine up having only been used a few times for £45.

The Carp are few and far between on Upper Rivington so I am not building my hopes up on getting one to the bank but I will certainly try my best.

Me, Ryan, Duane and Pete are hitting the place for a 48 hour session. Pete is big breaming it. Duane is Pike Pike Pike Pike Mad. Ryan will also be after the dinosaurs (ha my name for pike) but will be sticking his rods out for carp at night.

Look forward to hopefully posting a good few pictures and a nice report.

Wish us luck :)


P.S A few pictures from our tip fishing session weekend just gone.

Me being kitchen bitch.

A lovely perch Ryan pulled out.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Pendle View Fishery - The Result

After 3 weeks of planning, preparation and general excitement the day finally arrived... 

Danny rolled up in the van after Monday evening and we were off up the motorway eager to get there full of expectations discussing tactics, rigs and all things carpy. 

The weather was perfect when we arrived... a light breeze blowing into the bay we had selected to fish. We quickly got onto our pegs and got the rods out. 

Sat watching the water we saw loads of lovely carp rolling and crashing, trying to "get one over" the carp I dropped a floater rod in the bay to my left where carp seemed to be basking soaking up the late evening rays.

Unfortunately the fish weren’t interested in the floating trout pellet I presented and when the 'big un' (estimated 25lb+) saw my line the whole bay erupted as it powered away. 

Later that evening I spotted a lovely Mirror (20+) roll over in the bay on the opposite bank, so it was on with the 4oz distance lead and a monster chuck over to the other bank where I walked round, baited up my rig and placed in the margin with the assistance of Danny from the opposite bank, dropped in a few free offerings and the trap was set. Danny chose to drop a bait in the margin to his right, and one on a bar we'd found earlier with the marker rod, with his 'secret' bags, full of all sorts of goodies. Now it was time to play the waiting game.

After tying up a few new rigs and talking tactics for the evening we decided to take advantage of the Pendle View dinner delivery service... Two double cheeseburgers and chips delivered to our peg, piping hot with a dashing of tommy ketchup! Perfect!! After all the travelling and setting up camp etc the burgers didn't last 2 minutes! After a quick feed and watering (couple cans of strongbow) we sat out and watched the water for signs of feeding fish. 

Unfortunately the first 24 hours passed really quick unfortunately Carpless for both me and Danny, although we did manage to land a nice Perch and a Rodney Roach on the waggler rod when fishing for bits... Only one fish came out of the venue that night, a mid double a few pegs down... but all was quiet elsewhere including mine and Danny’s peg... 

Time for a Re-think... 

Deciding that the carp moving over mine and Danny’s baits in the night weren’t interested in our boilie choice Danny decided to go a little more adventurous, Using a mix of mainlines Cell and Peach and Mango... and with a stringer around 3 foot in length (slightly exaggerated) he flicked it out onto the hotspot where the fish were moving in the night. I decided to fish tight to the reed bed to my left and in the bay 60 yards out in front of the boathouse...

As the night set in fish started to move again, so we knew we were in with a chance, the large mirror I’d seen the day before rolled right over my bait in the bay before disappearing with no further signs. I was woken in the night by carp all over Danny’s swim, it seemed it was only a matter of time before one of the rods screamed off..... Silence... 

At 5:30 am I was sat peeking out my bivvy door when I got a bleep and the hanger lifted ever so slightly... then, bleep... it dropped back down, the without hesitation the hanger flew up and cracked the rod and line peeled from the spool... no time for the trainers (not a bivvy slipper kind of guy) straight on the rods and bent into what felt like a big fish! After several minutes trying to steer the fish through the lines it came to the surface... as Danny lifted the net out of the water I could see it wasn't the monster mirror id seen earlier, but a pristine common. On the scales it went 12lb so no monster, but a lovely fish and was a very welcome sight on the bank.

After this we kept plugging away trying different tactics, baits etc, but unfortunately the fish just weren’t having it... in the 48 hours we were there only 3 fish were banked, and us having one of them left us quite chuffed. 

I'd definitely visit the place again to try nail one of them 20's and I know Danny is eager to get back and set the record straight!! A great venue, with good potential, It's a shame we didn't bag any monsters, but that’s Carping. 

I think a Runs water is on the cards for our next trip, give us some practice for the next time we hit a monster carp venue! 

Peace Out, Ryan

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

August Treat - New Reels

As the trip to Pendle View Fishery comes ever closer I thought I would upgrade the Shimano Baitrunner 6010 GTE's and start to look for some new reels.

I looked at all the new Baitrunners and the ones that suited me perfectly where the Shimano Baitrunner 8000D EU (Small handle edition)

They arrived yesterday and I am absolutely made up with them.

Will they help me catch more fish? The answer is no but I work hard and sometimes its nice to just treat yourself.


PS. Pendle View is only round the corner :)

Thursday, 4 August 2011

The Carpologists - The Finished Product

Here is the final product of the hoodies we have had made up. They look really well. The front logo is a bit bigger than I wanted but I think it will probably stand out more on photographs etc.

A big thanks to Chris at Match Winner for sorting them out so quickly.

Danny & Ryan

The Carpologists - Time To Vogue

Just been and dropped our hoodies off to be printed up. The idea is for us to wear them while fishing to promote the blog and I think they will look pretty smart on pictures if hopefully we bank some fish.

Below is the design I made just to give you an idea how they will look. I will post the proper pictures tomorrow when I pick them up.

And before you think 'God these guys are taking it all a bit seriously' I can assure you we are not. Hahaha :)

Speak soon, Danny

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Pendle View Fishery - The Build Up

The next venue we have booked in to fish is Pendle View Fishery in Barrow just outside Clitheroe. Me and Ryan have been up today and had a good walk about and have settled for pegs 87/88 which is a double peg in the corner of the Specimen Lake. We have read and heard mixed reports about the place but these mean nothing to us as we are after the fish and will make our own judgement of the venue once we have fished it.

The staff there where very friendly and the place was very busy today so we have opted to fish it mid week at the end of August for 48 hours. Food is available to order up until 8.30pm and can be dropped off at your peg for you. Toilets and shower facilities are also available. We are really looking forward to fishing this place and I hope Ryan gets his UK 20 pounder that he has been chasing for over a decade. I have set my sights on something a little different which goes by the name of Tango. When it was last caught it weighed around 17lb and it would make my trip if I got it on my unhooking mat.

I think we are going to hit this place with natural baits including corn, mussels, hemp and prawn. Wish us luck and hopefully in the results post we will be smiling holding some very nice fish.

Danny & Ryan

Random Times With Ryan

Just a few photos that made me laugh of Ryan prating around as per.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

More Bargain Hunting - July 2011

Well I have been at it again on my mission for bargains. Added to the collection this time is a lovely large ESP stiff rig wallet. This thing is like brand new and the seller even let me keep what was inside. 20 bought pre-made rigs all labelled up in sealer bags haha. The only problem is me and Ryan run a rule that is "Only Trust Rigs Your Own Hands Have Tied!" Not bad for £5 though.

The next thing I am over the moon with is the Trakker Big Snooze + I have just got my hands on it immaculate condition. The smell test confirms it has probably only been used once haha. Lovely bit of kit and I managed to get it for just £30.

No doubt I will be back soon with more bargains ha, Danny

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Money Saving Tips - July 2011

Keeping the cost down is a main priority for me and I find nothing better than working out a way to save money.

I have been after some rod straps for a while now but there is a slight problem. I need 3 sets and when ever I pick them up in the shop and see the price of  around £5 each I just can not bring myself to buy them.

After a search of ebay I found a 1 metre strip of velcro 50mm wide for only £3.

I managed to get all three rods done and there was enough spare to give Ryan to do one of his rods. If I had used a lot less per rod I reckon I could of easily done 6-8 rods out of the 1 metre roll.

They don't look as pretty as branded rod straps but they do just the same job at a fraction of the price.
